Interesting facts about dogs that will surprise you

Interesting facts about dogs that will surprise you

Dogs have always been our most loyal companions, so it's only natural that we want to know as much as we can about them. The list of interesting facts about dogs below may completely surprise you. In addition to their ability to love people unconditionally, they have an even greater range of skills and traits.

Their sense of smell is at least 40 times better than ours

The area of ​​the cells in the brain of dogs that help detect different odors is about 40 times larger than ours. This means that your dog can recognize more odors than we humans can. This is why dogs are often used to sniff out people, drugs and even detect theft in any case.

In fact, some incredibly famous hounds have been awarded PDSA medals for their incredibly sharp noses! For example, the explosives and weapons search dog Buster, awarded the PDSA Dickin Medal in 2003 for his outstanding work in Iraq, found a large quantity of weapons and explosives related. involved in an extremist group, saving the lives of many civilians and service personnel. This may explain why dogs are often put on special training to assist police.

Interesting facts about dogs that will surprise you
Interesting facts about dogs that will surprise you

Smell can detect medical problems

Medical detection dogs are an interesting thing, because they possess an extremely sensitive sense of smell. Because dogs' sense of smell is so amazing, that's why some dogs around the world can be trained to sniff out medical conditions. They are even used to diagnose a specific condition or to alert their owners if they need more medication. Some are even being trained to sniff out places with Covid-19!

Don't be surprised to receive extra love and care from your dog. Scientists have found that your dog can detect subtle changes in your scent and can use this to determine how you are feeling. In a similar way, dogs can sense certain bodily changes - such as illness, and even pregnancy - in their owners.

Interesting facts about dogs that will surprise you
Interesting facts about dogs that will surprise you

Your dog may have a sixth sense

Many dog owners have incredible stories to tell about how their dogs seem to have a sixth sense… in fact, according to a 2010 poll, 67% of pet owners said pets Their pet acted strangely before a storm, while 43 percent said their dog behaved strangely immediately before something bad happened.

This has been used so that some people with epilepsy can rely on their dog's sixth sense to tell if their owner is about to have a seizure. Scientists don't know exactly why that's the case, but while it's easy to dismiss it as superstition, many people might pay to listen to your dog's strange behavior. You never know your dog could save your life at any time.

Interesting facts about dogs that will surprise you
Interesting facts about dogs that will surprise you

Dog like a child

Scientists have discovered that most dogs have the intelligence of a two-year-old child. In addition to being able to understand up to 200 words, they are smart enough to manipulate humans and other dogs for rewards. Of all the breeds, the border collie is considered the most intelligent.

Although all dog breeds age differently, for example, large dogs mature faster than small and medium dogs, a one-year-old puppy has the same physical maturity as a 15-year-old. year old! Scientists believe that dogs have similar sleep patterns to humans, and that small dogs dream more than large dogs. Just as humans move and twitch in their sleep, so do dogs.

Interesting facts about dogs that will surprise you
Interesting facts about dogs that will surprise you

The African Hound is the best hunting dog in the world

The African Hound is the most successful land hunter in the world. They succeed in 50-70% of the hunts, which makes them consistently the best mammal hunters, they even hold the World Record for it. The African dog's thin frame and adorable big ears are among the most successful predators anywhere, with a kill-per-chase rate of over 85%. They can lose half their lives, from small antelopes to wildebeest 10 times their own weight, to other carnivores like hyenas and lions.

African dogs are neither a wolf nor a dog, despite their common English name and the fact that their scientific name is called Lycaeon picture, which translates to 'painted wolf'. Like wolves and dogs, African dogs belong to the family Canidae. However, gray wolves, coyotes, dogs, and jackals all belong to the genus Canis, while the African wild dog is the only extant (alive) species in the genus Lycaeon.

Interesting facts about dogs that will surprise you
Interesting facts about dogs that will surprise you

30% of Dalmatians are deaf in one ear

The UFAW says that on average, about 30% of Dalmatians are deaf in one ear and 5% are deaf in both. Dalmatians are usually born with normal hearing but some become deaf after a few weeks. This disease can affect one or both of your dog's ears. Dogs with normal hearing in one ear are likely to be able to live a normal life. Dogs that are deaf in both ears are significantly disabled. This is because something called the extreme piebald gene is responsible for their white fur and blue eyes (in some of them). Dalmatians with larger dark patches are less likely to be deaf.

The process of hearing loss involves melanocytes, cells that produce and store pigment and can transmit pigment to other structures such as skin hair and iris. It seems that melanocytes are also important for the normal functioning of the inner ear. Deaf dogs are at higher risk of injury, especially from vehicles and aggressive attacks from other dogs; they are also more difficult to train and can have problems due to this.

Interesting facts about dogs that will surprise you
Interesting facts about dogs that will surprise you

Basenji dogs don't bark, they cry

The Basenji is a pretty interesting breed. This breed is a hunting dog primarily classified in the group of hunting dogs, and more precisely the Sighthound class Sighthound These hounds hunt by speed and sight as well as scent. They share characteristics with many Pariah dogs. Instead of barking, this unique and wonderful hunter emits the sound of an old yodel as if from Swiss Apps itself. Yodeling sound is influenced by a differently shaped larynx. Yodel is often referred to as Baro while nicknamed the dog "the dog that doesn't bark".

Along with other Pariahs, this Basenji is in heat once a year, while other dogs may have two or more periods to conceive. They have no distinctive smell and are capable of howling, meowing instead of barking, as well as making other noises not common in most other domesticated dog breeds. It has been suggested that this is because the barking dogs must have been bred as it can disturb the habitat of their owners in dense forests.

Interesting facts about dogs that will surprise you
Interesting facts about dogs that will surprise you

Dog has 3 eyelids

Dogs are animals with three eyelids, the third eyelid is an extra eyelid that sweeps back and forth across the surface of the eye to protect and spread the tear film. The third eyelid is also known as the nitride membrane. The tear film is produced by two glands, the third ciliary gland (the nictitans gland) and the lacrimal gland. The third eyelid gland is attached to the base of the third eyelid, where it normally cannot be seen. The third ciliary gland produces about 60% of tears and therefore has an essential role in keeping the surface of the eye wet. If the surface of the eye is dry, the eye becomes irritated and prone to conjunctivitis, abnormal discharge, and corneal ulceration.

The gland is held in its normal position at the base of the third eyelid by a small ligament attached directly to the bone of the orbit. If the ligament is ruptured, the gland is mobile, protruding out of its normal position and visible above the edge of the third eyelid. The drooping third eyelid gland is visible as a pink mass or 'lump' near the inner corner of the eye and resembles a cherry, hence the common term 'cherry eye'. The gland doesn't secrete tears effectively when it's in the wrong place, causing the surface of the eye to dry out. Although this condition is usually painless, it can cause mild irritation, conjunctivitis, and increased discharge from the affected eye.

Interesting facts about dogs that will surprise you
Interesting facts about dogs that will surprise you

When it comes to dogs, there are actually a lot more interesting things than we think and can catch with our eyes. They really are complex, interesting animals, willing to do whatever it takes to love and protect you for life. The list of interesting things about dogs above will help you understand more about your pets. Hope you will appreciate your dogs even more!