10 extinct animals that scientists want to bring back to life

10 extinct animals that scientists want to bring back to life

We live in an age where science can turn back the clock, and similar to a series of movies, the world's extinct, lost animals may appear... There are more extinct animals than those currently living on Earth, which makes us even more curious about their life. No wonder we can't get enough of the Jurassic Park movies. Fortunately, we live in an age where science can turn back the clock and, similarly to the aforementioned series, have made some of the world's lost species extinct. According to the Bright Side site, we have selected which species may soon return to us and selected the following 10 species that can be very interesting to see in real life.

1. Woolly mammoth

10 extinct animals that scientists want to bring back to life

Size: Elephant shoulder height reaches about 8.9 feet and 11.2 feet with a weight of up to 6 tons.

Origin: East Asia

Extinct: 4,000 years ago

Closest relative: African elephant

2. Quagga

10 extinct animals that scientists want to bring back to life

Size: about 8'5 long and 4'5 feet high

Origin: South Africa

Extinct: late nineteenth century

Closest living relative: zebra

3. Elephant bird

10 extinct animals that scientists want to bring back to life

Dimensions: stands at 9.8 feet tall and weighs 1,600 lb

Origin: Madagascar

Extinct: about 1000 AD to 1200 AD

Closest relative: kiwi bird

4. Baiji (Chinese river dolphin)

10 extinct animals that scientists want to bring back to life

The last living child of Qiqi, Baiji, died in 2002.

Size: Males are about 7.5 feet long while females can grow to 8'2.

From China

Extinct: 2002

Relatives: Chinese white dolphins

5. Glyptodont 

10 extinct animals that scientists want to bring back to life

Dimensions: 12 feet long and 1.5 feet high

Origin: North and South America

Extinct: 8,000 to 7,000 years ago

Closest living relative: armadillos

6. Pyrenean ibex

10 extinct animals that scientists want to bring back to life

Size: 5 feet long and 30 inches shoulder height

Origin: Southwest Europe

Extinct: last living Pyrenean ibex was born in 2003 but died 7 minutes later due to a lung defect.

Relatives: wild mountain goats

7. Dodo 

10 extinct animals that scientists want to bring back to life

Size: About 3.3 feet tall

Origin: Mauritius

Extinct: in the 17th century

Relatives: Nicobar pigeons

8. Tasmanian Tiger

10 extinct animals that scientists want to bring back to life

Size: 39 inches to 51 inches long and 24 inches high

Origin: New Guinea and Australia

Extinct: in the twentieth century

Closest living relatives: Tasmanian devil and pangolin

9. Ground sloth

10 extinct animals that scientists want to bring back to life

Size: Nearly 20 feet long and weighs up to 6,600 lb

Origin: South America

Extinct: about 11,000 years ago

Closest relative: Sloth

10. Sword-toothed tiger

10 extinct animals that scientists want to bring back to life

Size: The largest species weighs 485 lb to 961 lb and stands 39 inches tall.

Origin: North and South America

Extinct: 10,000 years ago

Closest living relative: tiger

Which of these animals would you like to see in the wild? What do you think the extinction of species in general?